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Product Insert: EZ-PEC™ Microorganisms
EZ-PEC™ Microorganism preparations provide quantitative challenges for Antimicrobial Effectiveness and Preservative Efficacy Testing.
Product Insert: EZ-CFU™ Microorganisms
The EZ-CFU™ Microorganism preparations provide assayed challenges for mandated USP applications.
Product Insert: EZ-CFU™ One Step Microorganisms
The EZ-CFU™ One Step Microorganisms are lyophilized microorganism preparations that provide challenges of <100 CFU per 0.1 mL and are recommended for the Growth Promotion quality control of culture media.
Product Catalog: Quality Control Microorganisms (37th Edition)
Product Catalog: Quality Control Microorganisms (37th Edition)
Technical Information Bulletin: Passages For USP Challenge Microorganisms
The research, development, process design control, and distribution of EZ-CFU™ and EZ-CFU™ One Step Microorganisms are to serve as microorganism challenge materials as outlined in the U. S. Pharmacopeia and National Formulary (USP 31 – NF 26).
Regulatory Expectations For Objectionable Microorganisms In Nonsterile Pharmaceuticals
This articleexplains what an objectionable microorganism is and explores the regulatory expectations for objectionable microorganisms in nonsterile products.
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Risk Assessment Of Objectionable Microorganisms In Nonsterile Pharmaceuticals
This is Part 2 of a two-part article on objectionable microorganisms in the nonsterile microbiology industry It discusses a risk-based approach to determineif a microorganism is objectionable for an application.
Product Insert: LYFO DISK®, KWIK-STIK™ And KWIK-STIK™ Plus Microorganisms
LYFO DISK®, KWIK-STIK™ and KWIK-STIK™ Plus Microorganisms are lyophilized, reference stock culture preparations containing a single strain of a microorganism.
Product Insert: LYFO DISK®, KWIK-STIK™ and KWIK-STIK™ Plus Microorganisms
Product Insert: LYFO DISK®, KWIK-STIK™ and KWIK-STIK™ Plus Microorganisms
Technical Information Bulletin: Recommended Growth Requirements For LYFO DISK® And KWIK-STIK™ Microorganisms
Technical Information Bulletin: Recommended Growth Requirements For LYFO DISK® And KWIK-STIK™ Microorganisms
Effect Of Membrane Filter Pore Size On Microbial Recovery And Colony Morphology
Explore the results of a study evaluating the effects of different pore sizes on colony size and microbial recovery using membrane filters.
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Assess Pyrogenic Risk In Pharmaceutical Process With The Monocyte Activation Test
Microbial risk in pharmaceutical processing cannot be limited to viable microorganisms. Learn how the MAT can help you to assess the pyrogenic risk resulting from your production process.
Replacement MAT Webinar Feature
Aseptic Connector Considerations For Bioreactors And Alternating Tangential Flow Systems
Learn about alternating tangential flow (ATF)and the benefits of large-diameter aseptic connections between bioreactors with a 1 1/2” flow path.
Enhancing The Stability, Survival And Performance Of Microbiota-Targeted Therapies And Other Microbiome-Based Products
For pharma and biotech companiesfocused on the development of microbiomeproducts, it'simportant to develop oral dosage forms that can deliver specific formulation or application outcomes.
Comparative Study On Secondary Contamination Risk: Milliflex Oasis® System vs. Conventional Filtration Method
Accurate testing results are crucial for product safety. Explore the findings of a comparative study evaluating two different platforms for the membrane filtration of microorganisms in quality control.
Milliflex Oasis Filtration System Funnel Open
Benefits And Risks Of (UV) Ultraviolet Radiation
Soon after the discovery of microorganisms, biologists began to observe that many varieties of these creatures were able to be incapacitated by exposure to sunlight. Following the discovery of the ultraviolet bandwidth in 1801, scientists attributed the sun’s lethal effect to this invisible energy. Facilitated by the findings of a large body of experimental evidence collected in the decades following these initial hypotheses, contemporary scientists have determined that nearly all bacterial activity can be eradicated or at least attenuated by some wavelength of ultraviolet energy.
Experimental Methods For Microorganism Challenges On Online Water Bioburden Analyzers
While implementing online water bioburden analyzer (OWBA) technology might seem straightforward, several aspects of preparing microbial challenges can easily derail the best intended experimental design.
Details Make The Difference For Successful Disinfection
A systematic approach determines the best disinfectant solution for a facility. Learn about the variables that impact disinfection of surfaces, including tool selection and the application of disinfectant solutions.
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Assessing And Navigating Testing For Parenteral Packaging And Delivery Systems: Container Closure Integrity
Reviewthe chapter, USP <1207> Package Integrity Evaluation – Sterile Products, which covers CCI and different methods of selection and validation.
Assessing And Navigating Testing For Parenteral Packaging And Delivery Systems
Real-Time Viable Particle Detection For Definitive Root Cause Investigation
Investigations into viable air excursions are difficult to perform using traditional methods. Discover why a real-time viable particle counter is key to providing process improvement.
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